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kill_barbieDate: Пятница, 27.07.2007, 16:21 | Message # 61
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Posts: 100
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Мы делили апельсин,иного наших полегло..

Фирма предлагает со склада в Москве:куриные кубики,овечьи шарики и говяжьи лепёшки..

-Что,опоздал,сынок?-спросила уборщица и ласково шлёпнула зарёванного малыша тряпкой по лицу..

-Так,пацаны,я эт девушку первым увидел!..
-Ты что,окушер,что ли?..

-Аллё,Вась,эт ты?..
-Вась,я беременна..
-Неправильно набран номер,неправильно набран номер..

Прошлой ночью я лежала в кровати,смотрела на звёзды,прекрасное небо и бескрайний горизонт..и вдруг подумала:"Млин,где же моя крыша?"..

-Доченька,принеси пять тарелок,пожалуйста..
-А зачем так много?..
-Мне с папой надо поговорить..

Эстонская скора помощь-время лечит..

Шамту-мои волосы стали такими пышными,что даже ширинка теперь не застёгивается..

Рецепт борща по-украински:берёте красную тарелку и наливаете туда кипяток..

Что такое дурной тон?..эт,например,кагда вы встречаете беременную женщину и говорите:"Всем привет!"..

-У меня украли паспорт!..
-В милиции был?..
-Был,не они..

Новость:в будущем году мир отметит 310-летие со дня рождения великого немецкого физика Фаренгейта или,что абсолютно тоже самое-292-летие Цельсия..

Tomorrow comes today..
Lam00naDate: Суббота, 28.07.2007, 20:14 | Message # 62
Group: Администраторы
Posts: 266
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Status: Offline
smile smile smile Молодца)
kill_barbieDate: Вторник, 31.07.2007, 14:58 | Message # 63
Group: Пользователи
Posts: 100
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Status: Offline

Tomorrow comes today..
kill_barbieDate: Вторник, 31.07.2007, 15:25 | Message # 64
Group: Пользователи
Posts: 100
Reputation: 2 []
Status: Offline
Мой брат всегда хотел стать космонавтом..а я-врачом..чтобы его вылечить..

На уроке химии училка смешала красную и синюю жидкости и получила зелёную..мы подумали,что она ведьма и сожгли ёё..

Спортивный комментатор:наших спортсменов вы легко узнаете по жёлтым майкам и голубым трусам..остальные лыжники одеты значительно теплее..

Закон цыганского табора:кто раньше встал,тот наряднее оделся..

В подъезде поменяли лампочки?..значит скоро выборы..

Плакала берёза,
Хохотал крыжовник,
Подрались за вишню
Клубника и шиповник,
Матюкался тополь,
Пелв песни слива,
Вот такая штука-
Димедрол и пиво..

Я знаю много..но помню мало..

Если первая рифма на слово "Европа",которая рпиходит вам в голову-Пенелопа..то вы закомплексованный и неискренний человек..

После автомобильной катастрофы,где Буратино потерял ногу,он ёщё долго постукивал по улице колбасным протезом..

Если вас съели,не волнуйтесь..у вас есть два выхода..

На рынке:
-Извините,у вас картошка на посадку?..
-Нет,млин,на взлёт..

Излил душу,не забудь смыть за собой..

-А я сегодня на свидание иду!..
-С резиновой куклой?..
-Не,с настоящей девушкой..
-Как?..ты поссорился с резиновой куклой?..

-Ты где был?..
-За хлебои бегал..
-Ну чё,догнал?..

Если свет в туалете выключается со звуком Эээ,то значит там кто-то есть..

Моё тело стало таким лёгким,словно пушинка..я просто по-настоящему летал..я летал то вправо,то влево..эт было что-то!..но в голове меня мучил всё время один вопрос:почему в нашей стране не могут сделать нормальные кананты для лифтов..

Американская зарплата,русская жена,англйский дом и китайская еда-эт рай..
Американская жена,русская зарплата,английская еда и китайский дом-эт ад..

-А правда,что собака чао-чао ест мясо мясо?..
-Правда правда..

-Мама,мне сказали,что я сумасшедшая!..

Заходит мужчина в фотосалон:
-Проявите мне,пжл,фотографии..
-117..а что?..

-Зеркальце,заткнись..я причесаться подошла..

-Как называется корова,которая не даёт молока?..
-Жадина Говядина..

-Папа,а почему у меня день рождения никогда не выпадает на пятницу 13ого?..
-Да потомсу что у тебя день рождения 24ого июня,идиот..

Старушка на базаре,где продают рыбу:
-Сынок,она свежая?..
-Ну,конечно,бабауль,она же живая!..
-Ну и что?..я тоже живая..

Ёжик в парикмахерской..
-Как стричься будем?..
-Под ёжик..

-Доктор,а что делать при раскалывающейся головной боли?..

-Доктор,что мне делать,у меня в ушах постоянно звенит..
-А вы не отвечайте..

Человек-паук не боится ничего..кроме человека-тапочки..

-Зеркальце,эт ты раскололось,иль у меня рожа треснула?..

Новый лох лучше старых трёх..

Tomorrow comes today..
Glaza_OkeanuDate: Четверг, 13.09.2007, 19:38 | Message # 65
Group: Пользователи
Posts: 194
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Status: Offline

Сенсация! В Люберцах найден мальчик, воспитанный... Просто воспитанный.


- Почему люди не летают?
- Вопрос надо ставить корректнее: почему люди не летают вверх?


Коктейль для программиста: водка с пивом 640 на 480.


- Санек, а давай с тобой пока в карты сыграем, в политические.
- Вьетнам.
- США!
- Югославия.
- США!
- Афганистан.
- США!
- Россия!
- Забрал.
- Стой, и Беларусь на погоны.


- Слушай, а ты вчера "Дежурную часть" смотрел?
- Нет.
- Тогда я у тебя сегодня переночую


Кроссплатформенный вирус "Блондинка-Олечка" в три минуты способен подвесить макось, в две минуты роняет линух, а винды вообще грызет как орехи. Правда иногда дает сбой и может часами думать над диалоговым окном с одной кнопкой "ОК"...


NASA ведет переговоры с Молдавией - срочно нужны плиточники для ремонта "Индевор".


Наблюдая за очередным NASA-вским запуском челнока к МКС, прихожу к выводу, что они летают на НАШУ станцию ремонтироваться. Как в автосервис :).


Беседует два приятеля.
- Одного понять не могу, когда американцы поставили флаг на Луне, то никто не возмутился, а когда мы спустили флаг на Северный полюс, все возмутились.
- Это элементарно, американцам никто не поверил.


Мне очень нравятся передачи про зверушек - "В мире животных", "Дом-2", MTV...


Коэффициент цена/качество придумали китайцы. Цены у них выигрышные, а на ноль делить нельзя.


Пастух потерял овцу. Бегает по горам - ищет.
- Эй, люди! овцу не видали?
- А какая из себя?
- Ну, белая.
- Тут все белые.
- Ну, пушистая сильно.
- Дык вокруг бегают все пушистые!
- Ну, ушастая.
- Они все ушастые!!! местная такая порода! что, совсем особых примет
нету? ну хоть одну указал бы?!
Пастух долго мучается-думает... наконец рожает:
- А-а! если ее накурить, то глаза огнем горят!


"Чтобы поверить в добро, надо начать делать его."
ГостьDate: Воскресенье, 27.04.2008, 17:14 | Message # 66
Group: Гости

муж возвращается с работы раньше времени и застаёт жену с незнакомым человеком.
-"Познакомтесь"-говорит жена.
-Это мой муж,а это Витя.ну пока вы знакомитесь, я пойду вызову скорую помощь. happy smile smile smile tongue
taramDate: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 19:20 | Message # 67
Group: Пользователи
Posts: 3
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Status: Offline
biggrin biggrin biggrin cool biggrin biggrin biggrin

в жизни скучно не бывает,ведь гавно всегда вплывает)
МариНаНаDate: Четверг, 26.01.2012, 22:01 | Message # 68
Group: Гости

Это же о том же, что и здесь http://isors.com/page.php?id=18&comments=1
BesteRo-STDate: Среда, 11.04.2012, 19:04 | Message # 69
Group: Гости

Всем Привет , Вас Приветствует PerfectVPN .com

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wwsrxiaiDate: Воскресенье, 07.04.2013, 11:05 | Message # 70
Group: Гости

If you should are straightforward, you can expect to say the ones with all the most desirable and expert graphics - the pretty photographs. Human nature determines that what catches your eye, and it is pleasing to see, keeps your awareness. Subconsciously or not, you produce a judgment within seconds, on how experienced may be the internet site that you are viewing. If your look of the webpage is amateurish, the owner can kiss goodbye to any potential customers bothering to purchase.
If you need evidence on the significance of this consistency, look at the 'livery' (a fancy word for the logos, design and style, colors and badgeing) of corporate giants like Microsoft and Nike. A lot of people during the western planet know the Nike 'tick' emblem promptly, basically plus they know the slogan 'Just Do it'. Along with the Microsoft brand and colour set need to be by far the most familiar visual setting for the planet. Desire to bet that Bill Gates' individuals invested quite a few millions on building this set. In today's digital publishing planet, you cannot see the 'bits' and bytes' so digital goods have to be represented by very 'boxes' and with very carefully matched colour schemes for their revenue sites. That is why web designers make these pretty familiar e book covers and System boxes, with all the shadows and reflection results.
Why do you feel that a lot get the job done goes in to covers for videos and DVDs with your nearby video hire retailer? During the visual flak of this kind of a retailer, you can get numerous covers competing for consideration, visually asking you to hire them. Investigate your newsagent and see what energy magazine publishers put to the style of their front covers.
The Critical Relevance of Great Net Graphics to Internet marketing Profits
Request oneself: Of your a large number of 1000s of world wide web pages trying to sell you something, which are the ones that preserve your curiosity? Which ones have convinced you to depart with your hard-earned income?
There's an old saying: 'Don't judge a book by its cover', but this hardly applies to the science of creating world wide web graphics. Everyone judges web sites by their 'cover' or residence webpage, have no doubt. Is your internet site offering out an expert, visual aura, or is it telling guests which you developed it on your own, because of lousy design?
Visual appeal is critical. Positive, current thinking is the fact that you'll want to target even more over the written content, than about the quite 'bells and whistles' for the web page, but you ought to have professional-looking graphics. Like branding a business enterprise, your website graphics, headers, footers, buttons and so on. have to all be while in the exact same theme, the same colour scheme and consistent design and style.
Why do you think that challenging copy book publishers make certain their covers are in properly matched colours, and have beneficial photos and dramatic fonts?
And, in spite of the huge variety of plans now out there, like Adobe PhotoShop, and Jasc PaintShop Pro, really good layout is hardly a DIY talent. It requires creativity, expertise and, most significantly, time. This is the reason internet designers, and their near cousins, banner, header and footer designers, can charge as much as $50 for a single wonderful internet web page header, and even more for a comprehensive set. You'll recognize that there's lots of colleges and colleges providing courses and degrees in design, so it truly is not something which you can expect to have the ability to pick up without research. So there's the dilemma.


fyhjswghDate: Вторник, 23.04.2013, 11:27 | Message # 71
Group: Гости

Product or service demonstrations have a major effect on consumers' perceptions and, if presented effectively, could very well be awesome promoting points as long as the product or service genuinely will work. It can be difficult for several of us to consider merchandise demonstrations without any thinking of the classic commercial wherever the building worker uses Super Glue to bond his very difficult hat for the underside of a girder, letting the world understand that Super Glue was not to be taken lightly. A second famous business that modified advertising was the Ginsu knife ad that 1st launched lines like "But wait, there's even more." and "How very much would you pay?" on the planet. Considering most goods remaining sold on infomercials are incapable of matching the Ginsu knives' wonderful feats, infomercials have grown to be notorious for making use of misleading solution demonstrations to move merchandise. Mainly because clientele buy these solutions in excess of the cellphone or world wide web, the firms usually are not a part of a neighborhood and hence are rarely held responsible for the top notch of their solutions. To be honest, viewers are not supposed to think that the CGI advertisements are actual, though plenty of still do. From the last handful of many years there continues to be a rise in trick advertisements involving athletes. Nike made ads showing the unbelievable feats athletes could carry out while wearing their sneakers or cleats. One this kind of ad showed Kobe Bryant placing on the pair of Nike basketball shoes and jumping over an oncoming Aston Martin sports activities motor vehicle. A further Nike ad showed international soccer phenomenon, Ronaldinho, juggling a soccer ball and repeatedly bouncing it off the best objective post from incredibly far away. The idea with these kind of advertisements is always to wow the viewer and associate the brand using the issues exceptional athletes can do. Of course, not all CGI adverts are sports-centric. Toyota ran adverts displaying one of their trucks, the Tacoma, miraculously surviving catastrophic occasions that might utterly ruin any auto or truck in actual existence. Utilizing CGI, one particular ad displays a Toyota Tacoma becoming attacked through the Loch Ness monster even though another displays the Tacoma surviving a meteor blast.
Evolution of Solution Demonstrations on Television
How Product Demonstrations Work


rymuyqpnDate: Пятница, 26.04.2013, 12:38 | Message # 72
Group: Гости

Strategies for becoming a successful like poet
Numerous take pleasure in poets are remarkably effective inside the previous centuries. Really like poets will continue to be successful in the future simply because enjoy may be a essential element of human emotions. This means that as being a probable like poet, you possibly can realize success, as well. Really enjoy poets w. More>
Ways to become a poet
Phase 4Submit your workWhile there isn't any greater method to get an fast and direct feel for how your poetry may be received, standing up in front of an audience and reading your job is just not for everyone. A different choice is to submit your job to creating competitions. Winning Writers is one particular illustration of the website that offers back links and recommendations on wherever and the way to submit your perform.
Stuff NeededReadily offered notepad and something to write with for spur-of-the-moment ideasA lack of self-censorship on preliminary draftsThe capability to listen to silence and noise
Nonetheless, the reality remains that the guidelines are becoming so muddied that there genuinely is only one rule left: When you choose to attempt a selected style, make sure you possess a really good grasp of it. Otherwise, you leave yourself open to critique.
Phase 3Re-read your individual workNow that you have had a chance to either refresh your memory and quite possibly master just a few items you didn't know about this genre, it will be time for you to revisit your own perform. Armed with far more insight, you are in the more effective place to enhance in your first efforts and either experiment by using a assortment of types or forge your personal path.
Phase 1Start writingIt applied to become that there were some really clear rules about what's and it is not poetry. Times have altered. Maybe this really is for that superior, and maybe it happens to be for that worse.
So, how do you know which type to pick? Properly, the very first thing to try and do can be described as bunch of writing. Find your voice and begin by using it. Never worry about conventions or opinions. Stick to the Law of Nike and "Just Get it done!" The a great deal more you write, the better off you are going to be.
Phase 2Read a littleOnce you've settled into what performs ideal for you personally, it is a decent plan to carry out your homework. One particular amazing spot to commence is Poetic Asides. This is a website hosted by Robert Lee Brewer and it is a gold mine of worthwhile insight, not to mention a good meeting spot for each established and aspiring poets. An alternative resource to think about is Writer's Digest .
Shedding sight of this easy truth is an excellent way for you to distance oneself from the muse. When the words never flow, do not force them. Walk away and wait. It may well come for you sooner or it might get some months. These stuff can't be rushed.
by W. Diane Van Zwol
Why do poets Genius poets, Possibly poets, Me too poets, Authentic poets, Search for pen And sleep so tiny When season comes Of rain \Why does rain Heavy rain, Minor rain, In some cases rain, Torrential rain, Can make hectic brain Search for rhythm And emotions b.
To turned out to be a poet just isn't an easy undertaking. Lots of individuals feel that poetry only includes using literary gadgets this kind of as metaphors and comparisons. However it genuinely entails the arousing of deep emotions that go beyond frequent rational considering. It really is. More>
When submitting do the job, you should definitely try to look for submission pointers, such as this instance from Grain Magazine. Two important things to remember are that it will take time to obtain a decision back and that nobody desires to see themselves owning published anything which has by now been published someplace else. If you are purchasing your perform all-around and are sending it out to several options, be sure to advise that it is a simultaneous submission.
The right way to become a poet
Remarks (one to five of 5)JoAnne WindsingerApr 07, ten at 05:49 PMI uncovered a guide, in the thrift keep, that aided me get my poetic voice and I would advocate it to everyone who wants to pursue poverty by writing poetry. Really inspiriting and motivating. Properly. I do it coz I've to carry out it. No way out. But poetry. I savor poetry, studying it and writing it, but cooking, nicely, which is a diverse story. Enter your comment beneath:When you are a registered Helium member, it's possible you'll login and after that leave your own personal comment.
Step 5Remember why you will be carrying out thisPoetry, like cooking, will have to be done with feeling. It should always imply a thing to you. Even when no person else will get it, you need to take pleasure in the course of action.
by Gerardo Dieguez
Suggestions Warnings Compose for on your own but edit as if it can be used towards youAvoid to begin with particular person considering that it enables the function to speak to a broader audienceRevision is significant. It truly is self expression create for the appreciate of it and it will be excellent.

jwpfxtiyDate: Воскресенье, 16.06.2013, 19:53 | Message # 73
Group: Гости

Find out how to Pick out A Sports activities Watch To acquire
Determine a observe with a show that may be simple to read. This means the show must be substantial adequate so you're able to speedily see precisely what is on it by immediately glancing at it. The information displayed there need to also be easy to understand. The a lot more pricey sports watches like the Nike + Sports Watch GPS have settings that let you alter the default data displayed so you see what you want promptly.
The device also keeps a record of your education history so that you can understand how you could have been doing. Furthermore, it incorporates several of individuals completely unique capabilities that I talked about. With this particular sports activities observe, it is actually much like having your own coach working beside you.
I will admit the Nike + Sports Watch GPS is probably the alot more pricey sports activities watches while in the marketplace. Having said that, its expense is entirely really worth it. This view tells you a lot more than time. It's GPS, which may inform you of the location, the pace you will be going at, the distance you could have covered up to now. The observe may also tell you the calories you have burned.
Constantly go for a water resistant sports activities view. This function could be present in many sports watches. This function helps make the observe resistant to water harm when you are in water. The depth of water as much as which the observe is resistant to harm varies with all the model of view you select. Usually, the additional water-resistant it is the significantly better. Discover a view you is usually cozy swimming with.
When deciding on a sports view, it's best to to start with look into everything you have in this kind of a watch. If your fundamental concern is checking time, then an easy inexpensive device will get the job done just fine. To know the distance you which have covered when running or biking even so, you will need a superb observe with GPS. A view with GPS will even inform you the velocity you're moving at. For anybody who is an adventurer and you also generally get hikes in regions that you're not familiar with, then you certainly will demand a observe with navigational and probably weather ailment functions also.
Be certain that the watch you buy is easy to setup and use. An easy water resistant sports watch with standard benefits is straightforward to set up and use. Exactly the same can't be said on the a lot more high priced watches stuffed with functions, which may possibly be challenging to appreciate at first except if you invest several hrs with all the consumer manual.
Only after you could have established why you may need the watch do you then proceed to go searching for one while in the market. Generally be sure you head to a keep physically and attempt to the watch you want. Ensure that the watch just isn't also great or bulky for the wrist. It is also sensible to select a watch using a strap that may be at ease in your wrist. Preserve in thoughts that the majority sports activities watches have straps produced of plastic, for that reason you will need to obtain one which is relaxed.

gxnywageDate: Четверг, 20.06.2013, 19:29 | Message # 74
Group: Гости

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<b>Фитопатч для тела «Янканг» (Здоровые суставы!) ТианДе</b>
Фитопатч для тела «Янканг» оказывает противовоспалительное действие, стимулирует обменные процессы в полости сустава, увеличивает объем движения в суставе, уменьшает болевой синдром.
<b>Когда вам это нужно</b>
Рекомендуется применять как для профилактики, так и для облегчения состояния при воспалительных и обменных поражениях опорно-двигательной системы. Способ применения: наклеить фитопатч на болевые точки тела. Фитопатч использовать 8-12 часов. Через 3-8 часов процедуру можно повторить. Рекомендуемый курс применения фитопатча «Янканг» подбирается индивидуально, ориентировочная длительность курса 20-25 дней.

Когда боль носит хронический характер, важно поддерживать себя в форме.

1. Оказывает мощное противовоспалительное действие
2. Стимулирует обменные процессы в полости сустава
3. Увеличивает объем движения в суставе
4. Уменьшает болевой синдром

<b>Показания к применению:</b> Обладает выраженным противовоспалительным эффектом. Способствует как профилактике, так и облегчению состояния при воспалительных и обменных поражениях опорно-двигательной системы.

<b>Способ применения:</b> наклеить пластырь на болевые точки тела. Пластырь использовать 8-12 часов. Через 3-8 часов процедуру можно повторить.

Рекомендуемый курс применения фитопатчей «Янканг» подбирается индивидуально, ориентировочная длительность курса 20-25 дней.
<a href=http://tiande24.ru/product_info.php/products_id/142>Фитопатч для тела «Янканг» 5 шт.</a>

Добавлено (20.06.2013, 19:29)
Компьютерная индустрия влилась в нашу повседневную жизнь, мы проводим много времени в социальных сетях, имеем привычку не выключать компьютер.

Общаемся в ICQ, скайпе, и соц сетях.

Если вам необходимо получить ответ, здесь можете получить данную помощь: <a href=http://vlote.ru/>Компьютерная помощь</a>

SofIodicDate: Четверг, 20.06.2013, 21:11 | Message # 75
Group: Гости


